Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Choosing the Right Caterer for Your Wedding Day

Choosing the Right Caterer for Your Wedding Day

mixed plate Pictures, Images and Photos


Not many decisions will have a larger impact on your wedding reception than the caterer you select for your festivities, not only pertaining to the food, but also other logistical concerns.

Frequently the caterer manages a lot of the setting up and tearing down of your event. The reception can't start unless the dining area is set up with centerpieces in place, as well as a cake table ready for the delivery of the cake. In order to be sure to get your cleaning deposit returned, you need to make sure the site is cleaned up when your event finishes.

The happiness of your guests depends on the food and service at your wedding. Although a lot of attendees won't pay attention to every detail of your event, they
will all have an opinion on what you serve. Since everybody eats the food, it will be really obvious if something isn't the right temperature or if glasses stay empty because there are insufficient servers. Tastes and smells elicit powerful mental images. Your wedding day should include a delicious meal that guests are sure to remember.

Since selecting the proper caterer is essential to having a successful wedding day, it's important to know how to find the right one. It's useful to be certain of the kind of food you'd like, as well as the ambiance you're trying to create so you can let potential caterers know. Doing this, can reduce your list of possible caterers; after all you don't need to get an estimate from a BBQ chef if you want a fine-dining event.

Among the elements to take into consideration when selecting a caterer include:

* How much can you spend?

* Will the event facility you have chosen let you use independent caterers?

* Is there a particular type of meal that you are thinking of? Are there any foods you love or hate?

* Are you interested in having a buffet or family style event, a formal dinner, menu item stations, or a different option?

* Would you prefer the caterer do all of the event planning or just provide the food?

* Would you like a full bar service, personally selected drinks, or a mix of the two?

After you figure out what you want, check out catering sites online, or ask friends and family or other event experts you are working with for suggestions. Try to get your list whittled down to just a few caterers that appear to be suitable and start consulting with them.

Some smart things to ask a prospective caterer:

* What dishes do you specialize in? Will you be able to personalize my menu according to my preferences, or do you only offer pre-made menus? Typically, if a caterer charges more, you get a more personalized service.

* What is the median cost per person for your service? What comes included with this?

* When did you start your business?

* How many wedding receptions has your company been involved with?

* How busy is your company on Saturdays and Sundays?

* What is your ratio of servers to attendees? Is an event manager available for every event?

* What kind of experience does the chef possess? No matter how flattering the salespeople are, it means nothing if the kitchen staff does not have talent.

* Are tastings available before booking, after booking, or at all? While there are some regional differences, a lot of caterers currently assess a fee for tastings, which even if it costs a couple hundred dollars is a good idea.

* Will the chef who was at the tasting be present for my event? If the answer is no, then the tasting wasn't very useful.

* Besides catering, what different services do you provide?

First and foremost, you need to feel at ease and feel good about the caterer you select. After all, your wedding is a once in a lifetime event, you want to enjoy every minute of it.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Sex Secrets of an American Geisha, A Must-Read For Any Woman Who Wants To Keep Her Man!

Sex Secrets of an American Geisha, A Must-Read For Any Woman Who Wants To Keep Her Man!


Sex Secrets of an American Geisha

Sex Secrets of an American Geisha

For centuries, Asian Geishas - artists of love and femininity - have bewitched men with their delicate beauty and mysterious sensuality. Py Kim Conant draws on their training and traditions to create very 21st-century lessons for women who want to learn the art of attracting and keeping men. Sometimes hot and sexy, sometimes very cool, these Geisha secrets will help any single or married woman develop her feminine allure and aid her in the pursuit of love, marriage, and happiness. With practicality and warmth, Py invites you, the reader, to become her "Younger Sister" - a geisha-in-training. Always frank, she shows you how to explore your femininity and sexuality while connecting with your "Good Man." She shares sex tips and techniques to bond your man to you and explains how, once you're married, you can continue to use the wisdom of the Geisha to keep your relationship passionate and happy. Sharing some of her own love struggles and successes, Py guides you on a journey toward fulfilling love relationships as you, too, become an American Geisha.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sweetheart Table Decor: More Popular Than Ever For Wedding Receptions:

Sweetheart Table Decor: More Popular Than Ever For Wedding Receptions:

(Although not a new concept) ~ The Sweetheart Table for the bride and groom at the wedding reception is increasingly becoming the popular way to set the bride and groom apart at their wedding reception.

Why so popular more than ever? The Sweetheart Table (as apposed to the traditional head table seating the bride and groom with their entire bridal party) allows for a romantic dining experience between the bride and groom at the reception. The couple can have a quite moment together at the reception, which is much needed after a day full of preparations, traditions, and stress. In fact, the time the couple sits at their sweetheart table, may be the only quiet time the two have together all day until they leave for their honeymoon suite!

EXPRESSION: The Sweetheart table also allows for a bit of expressive creativity for the couple, when it comes to how the table is decorated. Talk with your Event Designer about what you can do to make your Sweetheart table decor, a unique expression of you and your future spouse.

Feel Like Royalty! The Sweetheart Table also gives the bride and groom a great view of their wedding subjects (I mean guests ;). Sitting upfront with such an elegant display made specifically for you, will make you and your new spouse feel very special!

Enjoy these ideas for sweetheart table decor below:
april30weddingtwo.jpg (640×480)
Sweetheart Table Pictures, Images and Photos
sweetheart table Pictures, Images and Photos
the ~SweetHeart~ table Pictures, Images and Photos
Sweetheart table Pictures, Images and Photos
Sweetheart Table Pictures, Images and Photos
Sweetheart Table Pictures, Images and Photos
sweetheart table yellow Pictures, Images and Photos
lynn & danny\'s sweetheart table Pictures, Images and Photos
sweetheart table with backdrop Pictures, Images and Photos
Tremont House Wedding Pictures, Images and Photos
The Sweetheart Table Pictures, Images and Photos
Custom sweetheart table Pictures, Images and Photos
cake table and sweetheart table Pictures, Images and Photos
San_Diego_Weddings_093 Pictures, Images and Photos
(Images added by 3rd party provided embeddable code)

Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!! What Do You Think?

Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!! What Do You Think? SEE VIDEO BELOW:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wedding Dress Inspired By Renee Zelleweger, Plus suggested accessories

(click image to see larger image) Currently only: $129.00 (prices are subject to change at any time)

Satin Trumpet/ Mermaid Sweetheart Sweep/ Brush Train inspired by Wedding Dress Renee Zelleweger (WSM0450)

Consider Pairing The Following With This Wedding Gown:

Stuart Weitzman Bridal - Gloacrobat (White Satin) - Footwear

Stuart Weitzman Bridal - Gloacrobat (White Satin) - Footwear

Stuart Weitzman Bridal - Corsage (White Satin) - Footwear

Stuart Weitzman Bridal - Corsage (White Satin) - Footwear

Stuart Weitzman Bridal - Reversal (White Satin) - Footwear

Stuart Weitzman Bridal - Reversal (White Satin) - Footwear

Nelly Necklace

Nelly Necklace

Emma Necklace

Emma Necklace


Keeping The Spark Alive Within Your Marriage ~ Keep Your Spouse Happy For Life!

Keeping The Spark Alive Within Your Marriage ~ Keep Your Spouse Happy For Life!

happy couple Pictures, Images and Photos
So, you're married, you've tied the knot, , , are linked to the old ball and chain! That doesn't mean that it has to be down hill from there!

There are key elements in keeping your spouse happy.

The first I dare say, would have to be your physically intimate connection with each other, bound by trust of course.

Both partners owe it to each other to take care of their physical appearance throughout the marriage. After all, physical intimacy is based on not just your mutual love for each other, but also on your continued physical attraction to each other.

Men: Being visual creatures are drawn to the fantasy fed to the eyes. You want to be that for your spouse! If not, you need to learn to be so! Keep him guessing throughout your lives together. He'll never grow tired of your playfulness, and willingness to be visually pleasing to him.

Women: Being mostly mental, are put in the mood to be physical primarily by what their spouse says to them, how he makes her feel (sexy, beautiful, desirable, etc.) Yes, the visual comes into play a bit, but physical touch, and verbal feedback from their spouse is vital. You (the husband) want to make sure to never let your wife's efforts to please you go un-noticed, by giving her honest compliments. Trust me, women love attention, and they love getting compliments (especially from the love of their life!). Remember this throughout your lives together, and you'll never get the excuse, "Not tonight hunny, I have a headache."

FOR MEN: (How to keep her interested in you for the rest of your marriage)

1. Be a man! By this, I mean: be responsible, accountable, reliable, hard-working, loyal, honest, decisive, etc. Women want their husband to be someone she can look up to, and respect. This makes her feel safe, , and if she feels safe with you, and protected by you, she will always love you, and want to please you.

2. Take Care Of Yourself: (both physically, and mentally) Just as you want your wife to take care of her appearance, there should be no double standard. Regularly maintain good grooming habits, stay physically active, and try to maintain a healthy weight (you don't have to be a model), just make the most of what you've got. Do these things for yourself of course, but for your wife as well. You want her to be proud of you don't you?

3. Don't allow your wife to feel overwhelmed (when you can do something about it): In today's society, it's common for both spouses to work outside the home. Still some wives, will be able to (and choose to) be stay at home mom's when a family is begun. Either way, both spouses ARE working! Learn to be in tune to your wife's body language, and verbal cues. If you notice that she's paying less attention to you, , , don't feel sorry for yourself. Instead, find ways that you can help ease her burden, reduce her stress levels, by helping out when and where possible. Doing so, will likely free her up to have more time for herself, , , which in turn equals (a refreshing break much needed), , which in turn equals more time you YOU!

4. Be affectionate, and compliment your wife: not just once in a while, REGULARLY: Women are physical creatures. We need compliments, hugs, kisses, love bites, and playful touch too! Doing these things to your wife (especially the affection) on a daily basis will make her feel loved, wanted, attractive, and appreciated by you. All things that eventually lead to exactly what YOU want as a man, and more often. Need I say more?

5. Be Willing To Play: I'm referring to foreplay of course. Men may not need this as much as women (or at all), , , but for women, all things physical are greatly enhanced by the path that leads to the door. You can turn the heat up by sending her sexy, suggestive texts during the day while you're at work. Text her and tell her how much you want her, , and that you were thinking about what you two are going to do later together ;) ~ When in a public place with her, sneak up behind her and whisper something like "I want you so bad right now!" in her ear. Trust me the thought will linger in her mind, , , , , , , until it can come to fruition later. KISS HER and often! Surprise her with a passionate kiss, , , perhaps at times when taking things further, may not be possible, or appropriate. This too will linger in her mind, , and she'll want more later when it can be taken further! When behind closed doors ~ allow her to have fun with you, play games (whatever you're both mutually into), , , perhaps body paint, or slow dancing together (while kissing). Pretty much whatever allows both of you to explore the joys of physical touch.

FOR WOMEN: (How to keep him interested in you for the rest of your marriage)

1. Be A Lady: Most men are drawn to the feminine. This doesn't mean that you have to be a weak pansy! It just means that you have to use your natural graces, and remember them when interacting with your husband (above all men). Women can be strong, yet, maintain grace, and softness. Whether you like it or not, , , this is what men are most attracted to. So, if you want to keep his attention for the long-run in your lives together, , always be the softness in his life, , , because that is what he lacks. Men and women are opposites, , that's why we are attracted to each other. Men represent bold strength and protection to us, , , while we represent soft, restfulness, and comfort to them. Men don't necessarily want to be mothered by us, , , but they do want to find solitude, and comfort in our presence, and in our arms.
(Note: Nagging, is not a soft, feminine quality, learn to communicate in other ways if there are issues you feel need to be addressed. If your husband follows the suggestions in #1 & #3 above for husbands, there should be few issues between the two of you that can't be worked out affectively.)

2. Take Care Of Yourself: (both physically, and mentally) Just as you want your husband to take care of his appearance, there should be no double standard. Regularly maintain good grooming habits, stay physically active, and try to maintain a healthy weight (you don't have to be a model), just make the most of what you've got. Do these things for yourself of course, but for your husband as well. You want HIM to be proud of you don't you?

3. Be Helpful & Supportive: Perhaps you can tell your husband is troubled by something, stressed, or just physically tired. Men typically don't talk about their feelings, , so if he does start opening up to you about something, , it means he needs a supportive ear. Be there for him!!! Just listen to him, , and try to do so without speaking, unless he asks for your input. If he indicates that you could be of assistance to him in some way, be available to doing what it takes to help him. He may just need to vent, and feel heard. Not being there for him during such times, , can lead to him eventually seeking out other feminine comforts, , if you prove to not be there for him after years of marriage. Remember it is your softness that he finds comfort in. Be present for him.

4. Be affectionate, and regularly compliment him, & let him know you appreciate the things he does for you: not just once in a while, REGULARLY: Men don't let us know just how sensitive they really are, or how much they really like our hugs and kisses. He wants you to be affectionate (some men are not comfortable with public affection), however even little, affectionate hugs, kisses, and frequent hand-holding throughout the day will be appreciated by him. He also won't tell you that he likes it when you show appreciation for the things he does for you. Be sure to always thank him, and tell him how much you appreciate even the tiniest things he does for you. He does them because he loves you, and YOU showing that you notice & appreciate them, , is his reward, and makes him feel loved. He will also, likely not tell you that he really likes it when you compliment him on his abilities, or appearance. Tell him you think he's brilliant! Tell him you think he's sexy! He'll act as if it's not a big deal, but inside he's bursting with pride. ;)

5. Be His Fantasy: Always remember, he's a visual creature: Surprise him from time to time with some sexy lingerie. Learn the art of visual and mental tease! Doing so, will keep you in his thoughts while at work. Keep him guessing as to what you're going to do next. You don't necessarily have to "on" all the time, , but keep the element of surprise alive in your relationship for him. Have regular "date nights" with each other. This will allow the two of you to enjoy each other's company outside of the home/career life, , , and offers plenty of opportunity for stimulation both intellectual, and sexual.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Crystal Themed Weddings, Enjoy Some Gorgeous Ideas!

Crystal Themed Weddings, Enjoy Some Gorgeous Ideas!

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Daria Pearl and Crystal Choker

Daria Pearl and Crystal Choker

Old fashioned choker style with a modern flair. Sport your classiest look in pearls, with a Swarovski crystal pendant to liven things up. Measures an adjustable 12"-14" for a perfect fit. Pendant is 2.75"x 1.24".

Miranda Pearl and Crystal Bracelet

Miranda Pearl and Crystal Bracelet

Your wrist is entwined in delicate crystal and pearl vines. Set in electroplated white gold for a shiny, lasting finish. Measures 7".

Rose Blue Crystal Flower Earrings

Rose Blue Crystal Flower Earrings

Intricate detail set in matte gold findings gives these Swarovski crystal studs a vintage flair. Each pierced earring measures 1".

Lana Crystal Jewelry

Lana Crystal Jewelry

Catch the light - and the attention of everyone in the room - with these breathtaking jewels made from top quality Austrian crystal and real freshwater pearls. Wear the pieces separately, or together for a perfectly proportioned look. Each earring measures 1.25" for the slightest dramatic dangle. The drop necklace has a delicate double silver chain to balance the ornate drop at the collarbone - a versatile style that suits most any neckline. Necklace measures an adjustable 12.5" to 17.5".

Flamenco Crystal Comb

Flamenco Crystal Comb

Traditionally carved of tortoise shell, this "peineta", or Spanish comb gets an updated look with sparkling crystals on a rhodium plated base. Part comb, part hair pin, this can be tucked into the side of a chignon or updo, or used to accessorize a hairstyle that's worn half up. Crystal decoration measures 2.5" wide and 3" tall. The entire piece measures approximately 5.5" tall.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Wedding Parasols, More Than Just Pretty Shade, A Gorgeous Accessory

Wedding Parasols, More Than Just Pretty Shade, A Gorgeous Accessory

Ahhhh the parasol! The symbol of ladiness, and protecting the skin from the sun! They're more than that however when it comes to your wedding day.

The wedding parasol serves as a gorgeous accessory to your overall bridal look and wedding decor. A Parasol for each of your bride's maids can provide them with shade, and a classy, unexpected look to surprise your guests!

You can add flowers to your parasol(s), or you go go with a simple color! It can even replace the bridal bouquet, or compliment one.

A wedding parasol, can add emotion and elegance to your wedding photos as well!

The Parasol Can Even Say "Thank You" To Your Guests In Style!

Enjoy These Ideas Below:

(all images added by 3rd party provided embeddable code)
Couple-Parasol Pictures, Images and Photos
parasol Pictures, Images and Photos
Dress Pictures, Images and Photos
Thank You Parasol 25.00 plus shipping Pictures, Images and Photos
Wedding Day Parasol Sepia Pictures, Images and Photos